Sunday, 13 May 2007

First Family Bike Ride

That same weekend we did the bluebell walk, we had a major family first - a family bike ride!

During March and April, I finally taught K* how to ride a bicycle. The trick I found was to first get him riding a regular push scooter to get the idea of keeping one's balance. It didn't take too long from that for him to transfer the idea to balancing on a bike. The main struggle was getting K* to *want* to ride a bike. He's been very, very reluctant which has always baffled me. I finally bribed him with a brand new computer game or something of equivalent value.

I was really chuffed when he finally got it.

And now he's keen! On sunny days after school we've been going riding in the park. We need to build up to more challenging rides so I'm now workig on road safety and building confidence. I'm very pleased that we've got a new family activity to pursue.

Cliveden Bluebells

Bluebells at Cliveden

A couple of weeks ago we went up to Cliveden in Jenny's annual pursuit of bluebells. We were a little late but the woodlands were still well carpeted. The previous week, we had gone somewhere else but had had little luck.