Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Agenda 2009

Clearly, I haven’t been too inspired to blog for a while. Three months in fact. Life has been a lot more quieter than tramping around the world. I still haven’t finished sorting out all our pictures from the trip.

The major theme for this year is getting serious about our careers. I’ve decided that I’ll stick with Information Technology. Specifically, I’m back to writing software and planning to have a go at freelance contracting. Jenny is exploring her options to combine her interest in food with education.

I’m also spending a lot of time in managing our investment portfolio and learning how to invest better. Of course, we got bitten by the stock market crash like so many others. However, with share valuations down, I’m very interested in trading.

We have lots of plans for changing around the house and how each room gets used. This also means trying to get rid of tons of old stuff. And then shopping for a load new stuff. And then doing a massive amount of decorating. The whole house needs painting and all the carpets replaced. There’s tons of DIY things to do but I’m waiting until it warms up a bit outside first.

And finally there’s family time and all the running around that involved. R* continues with Sea Cadets and is in three ensembles and a choir. She has both trumpet and singing lessons. K* continues with Cubs and is taking percussion lessons. He’s also in the local tennis club and plays tag rugby at school. At the moment, it seems like a pretty good balance of activities.

No much travel planned for this year except for spending the summer in Canada.